DN NA Class

Guests & Members Post & Read => Open Forum => Topic started by: glovejoy on January 15, 2011, 11:57:32 AM

Title: Runners
Post by: glovejoy on January 15, 2011, 11:57:32 AM
Recently I read an interview of Matt Struble in the winter issue of Runner Tracks.  Asked how to instill more interest and growth in the class, Matt suggested, among other things, to figure out a way to remove the specialty runners from the class. 

What I would suggest is the respective continental Commodores appoint a special committee of well respected members of the class.  As an example, say Matt, Steve Orlebeke and Jan Gougeon from North America, all top ranked sailors.

Have the committee develop a well thought out proposal.  Present it to the Governing Committee which in turn would propose such changes to the entire membership by mail.

Whether it receives the required two-thirds majority vote would be up to the class membership. 

Guy Lovejoy

Title: Re: Runners
Post by: dn4379 on January 15, 2011, 08:00:34 PM
I would love to get rid of angles, "T"s and short inserts,   I don,t think the membership will vote them out. If the Governing Committees on both continents strongly backed the idea ( and that"s a stretch) then it might have a chance.  These discussions always get me thinking.  I think the biggest challenge is how to accommodate the heavier sailors in soft ice conditions.  If a big enough effort was put forth to "get out the vote", I think eliminating "T"s is possible. It didn't fail by too much the last time it was tried.  Perhaps the Secretary can get us the details on that proposal; it was over two years ago. 

Title: Re: Runners
Post by: Mark Isabell - DN5014 on January 15, 2011, 10:52:23 PM
Keep in mind it only takes ONE PERSON to put forth a proposal to the IDNIYRA.  Their is a deadline to submit proposals but that really does not matter because even if a proposal misses the deadline for the current year it can be looked at the next.

I can understand if you want to gather a few people who also want to tighten up the runner specifications and get something on paper. It can be submitted it to the technical committee and there will be action taken in a timely manor.  Does it make sense to ask the IDNIYRA Continental Commodores to put forth the proposal? They are serving the membership within the rules and regulations as set for by the class.... that is to say they are not in the business of making changes to runner specification.


Guy, perhaps we can put something together and present it at the annual meeting during the Gold Cup / NA's.

Call me to discuss.

If anyone else want to get involved, please send an e-mail, call or reply to this post. My contact info is listed in the DN yearbook.

Title: Re: Runners
Post by: Geoff Sobering on January 15, 2011, 10:58:14 PM
I'm in!

Title: Re: Runners
Post by: DN 805 on January 16, 2011, 08:21:24 AM
Just a reminder, there is a 90 day lead-time requirement for agenda items at the annual meeting.    This requirement would not, however, restrict discussion of the issue.  The restriction would be that  if a vote would be taken on the subject it  could not be placed on a ballot to the members without following the procedures in the governing documents.

As John Harper has pointed out, past attempts to reduce runner styles have failed.  It is important to remember that T iron runners and angle iron runners exist in substantial numbers in the European DN community (which out numbers the North American DN community)  and  have been a popular runner choice for them for more than 40 years.  Europeans often sail on sea ice, which has a softer surface than fresh water ice.  Consequently, their runner preference may differ from North American preference.

Title: Re: Runners
Post by: glovejoy on January 16, 2011, 10:06:00 AM
There is a 90 days deadline in submitting a proposal to the governing committee for the annual meeting.

Not asking the Class Commodore(s) to put forth a proposal but to only appoint a special committee (not the technical committee) to create a proposal.

The governing committee can then propose such changes to the entire membership by mail.

If a vote is made and passes prior to the end of the fiscal year (June, 30), the changes would go into effect next year.   

Title: Re: Runners
Post by: Mark Isabell - DN5014 on January 16, 2011, 10:44:51 AM
What is on the agenda for the annual meeting this year?

Perhaps discussion on this subject is already on the agenda????

When do we get to see the agenda for the meeting?

Mark Isabell

Title: Re: Runners
Post by: DN 805 on January 16, 2011, 12:15:16 PM
On pages  25 and 26 of the Winter, 2010, issue of Runner Tracks (mailed to members in December, 2010) you will find from the European National Secretaries, proposed amendments to the By Laws and Specs that address the issue of national letters. 

So far as I know, these are the only proposals that have been distributed to the membership.

DN 805