DN NA Class

Guests & Members Post & Read => Open Forum => Topic started by: bmintz on February 06, 2012, 07:10:19 AM

Title: OOPS and a big thanks
Post by: bmintz on February 06, 2012, 07:10:19 AM
Well I feel foolish.  I have lost my runners this past weekend.  I either left them on the ice near the landing at Captain Bill's, or they fell off my trailer as I drove from the landing, south on Allen, east on University to Mill street, south on Mill to Emerald.  I was repairing my trailer lights at a friend's home on Emerald when I realized that they were not in my trunk. 

If anyone spots them and picks them up it would be most appreciated.  They are in a greenish canvas bag with black nylon straps.  It is labeled with someone else's name, I think "Eric Rittenhouse".  There are 3 runners inside, a plate steering runner with a brake, and 2 "T" runners with wooden bodies.

I can be reached via this forum.  I check it often.  Or via my cell phone 773-559-0377, or via email at bmintz@aol.com.  I would be eternally grateful if they somehow found their way back to me.

A big thank you to the kind ice sailors in Madison and the other folks I met this weekend for tolerating and encouraging a new and inexperienced ice sailor.  I had a wonderful time and learned a lot.  An especial big thanks to Geoff Sobering who waited with me until the wind filled in on Sunday (we were the only boat on the ice in great conditions) and had the patience to give me some instruction and advice. I had a blast and feel like I took another step up the learning curve.  Kindness like that is why I have come to love the sport and the fleet.  Thanks.

Bill Mintz
DN 5404