DN NA Class

Guests & Members Post & Read => Open Forum => Topic started by: DN 5449 on March 18, 2014, 01:05:18 PM

Title: Feel Good Story
Post by: DN 5449 on March 18, 2014, 01:05:18 PM
This Weekend at the Northwest Regatta I had the privilege of sitting with Pete Johns and his lovely Wife at the Banquet Saturday Night.I took advantage of sitting beside such an experienced DN,er, and proceeded to ask probably more questions then I should.Pete was more than obliging and patiently took time to give me a wealth of knowledge.During the course of the night I happen to mention how much I liked the hoodie he was wearing ( it was from the 2012 DN North Americans).before I know it he had it off his back and proceeded to give it to me,saying he would be privileged to have me have it.Feeling somewhat embarrassed  but for the most part excited I generously accepted.Thank You Mr John,s for what is now my most precious  DN souvenir .

Title: Re: Feel Good Story
Post by: Geoff Sobering on March 18, 2014, 02:47:07 PM
Pete is a great guy!

I remember when I got started in the sport I bent his ear over the phone getting details on finishing a "Norton Wing" aluminum mast. Pete actually went out to his garage while we were talking and checked his (by then many years retired) mast to give me details on how the hardware was mounted.