DN NA Class

Guests & Members Post & Read => Open Forum => Topic started by: Deb Whitehorse on April 12, 2014, 10:51:07 AM

Title: Western Region Commodore News
Post by: Deb Whitehorse on April 12, 2014, 10:51:07 AM
Please welcome Minnesota skipper, Mike Miller US5369, as the new Western Region Commodore.

Many thanks to outgoing WR Commodore Julie Jankowski for her unwavering dedication to the DN class during her three years as Commodore, enthusiasm, and drive, especially with getting new sailors into DNs. Thank you Julie!

Below are the Mikes of Minnetonka, Bloom and Miller.


Title: Re: Western Region Commodore News
Post by: T Thieler US 5224 on April 21, 2014, 02:18:08 AM
Thank God y'all didn't pick the one on the left....

Thanks to Julie for driving the bus for the last few years-  us East Coasters have had some fun out that way!

Think Ice,   

T   DN US 5224