DN NA Class

Guests & Members Post & Read => Open Forum => Topic started by: wnethercote on September 04, 2014, 04:36:19 PM

Title: Canadian Rear Commodore (interest?)
Post by: wnethercote on September 04, 2014, 04:36:19 PM
The Canadian Region needs a new Rear Commodore with the impending retirement of Lennie Liscio.  The class officers identified a slate of Bob Crinion (NS), Warren Nethercote (NS), John Curtis (ON) and Peter van Rossem (ON) based, I suspect on 2013/2014 travel records.  Of these, only Warren (me - KC 3786) is willing to serve.

Andre Baby and I agree that it would be better geographically if the Canadian Rear Commodore came from the Montreal - Windsor corridor than from Nova Scotia.  Are there any potential candidates out there that have not previously been identified?  Speak up now or .....

I will be 'off-line' in the Rockies from 6 through 13 September.  Absent any other expressed interest by 13 September it looks like  l am it, but I would be more than happy to step aside for a more central candidate who has been reasonably active in class events.  So, if I find no other interest by 14 Sept I will advise the class officers that I am it.

Railroaded yours  :-)

Warren Nethercote
President, Nova Ice Yacht Club
DN 3786

Title: Re: Canadian Rear Commodore (interest?)
Post by: wnethercote on September 14, 2014, 08:29:14 PM
It is coming up to 2230ADT 14 September.  I am probably safe to assume no other interest, so it looks like me ....


Title: Re: Canadian Rear Commodore (interest?)
Post by: dnus4925 on September 15, 2014, 11:10:00 PM
Very safe to assume

Title: Re: Canadian Rear Commodore (interest?)
Post by: Geoff Sobering on September 16, 2014, 11:36:38 AM
Warren: Thanks for taking the job!

Title: Re: Canadian Rear Commodore (interest?)
Post by: KB [us5219] on September 17, 2014, 06:20:37 AM
Thanks for stepping up, Warren!   

-Kent Baker

Title: Re: Canadian Rear Commodore (interest?)
Post by: DN 805 on September 21, 2014, 06:57:49 AM
 Should mother nature decide to send the fleet your way, be sure to be prepared to host the Gold Cup.

Halifax is only a 36 hour drive from southeast Wisconsin (in the summer), and the natives are friendly.
Warren has neglected to tell you that he's an ISAF judge, as well as an accomplished race officer and soft water sailor. 
The Canadian region in is good hands.

...sneaky scribe

Title: Re: Canadian Rear Commodore (interest?)
Post by: DN5358 on September 21, 2014, 01:52:09 PM

...be sure to be prepared to host the Gold Cup...

Halifax is only a 36 hour drive from southeast Wisconsin (in the summer), and the natives are friendly.....
The Canadian region in is good hands.

...sneaky scribe

I have selective reading disorder, looks like we are sailing in Halifax this winter! Thanks Warren!!!