DN NA Class

Guests & Members Post & Read => Youth Sailing -- Ice Optimist => Topic started by: Daniel Hearn on November 08, 2007, 11:29:34 AM

Title: The Future Is Here: Ice Opti NA's Attending List
Post by: Daniel Hearn on November 08, 2007, 11:29:34 AM
14 new ice sailors and not a single one with gray hair! Is this North America???? You know it, brotha!

From Ohio:  Skylar Teal (13), Olivia Teal (11)
From Wisconsin:  June Whitehorse (15), Sheridan Hearn (13), Frankie Hearn (10)
From New Jersey:  Bridget MacCormack (12), Margaret MacCormack (8)
From Michigan:  Caroline Sherry (14), TJ Sherry (12), Griffin Sherry (10), Matthew Declercq (12), Aaron Stange Daughter (?)
From Minnesota:  Heidi Oare (14), Brian Oare (8)

Come on, who else is coming? Get in on a historic first event! E-me.  danielhearn@tds.net

Title: And Now There Are Six!
Post by: Daniel Hearn on November 18, 2007, 07:43:21 PM

Six states will now be represented at the historic, first Ice Optimist North American Championships with the addition of James Lamb, 13, from Boston, Massachusettes.  Welcome James, we'll look forward to meeting you in a couple weeks.

15 Junior sailors now coming.  Who else is in? e-me or call me.  danielhearn@tds.net     608-692-4007

Title: Make That Seven States!!!!!
Post by: Daniel Hearn on November 19, 2007, 05:51:30 PM
Now, representing the great state of New York at the 2007 Ice Optimist North American Championships will be 12 year-old Jake Glaser.  Welcome Jake!  Jake's Dad, Jordan,  pilots "Attitude"--- the Dan Clapp built "bubble boat" Skeeter.  And he sails a DN, too.

Count'm! 16 Juniors racing with SEVEN states represented.  So who else is coming?

Title: Lloyd Carr out, Cooper Frost in
Post by: Daniel Hearn on November 20, 2007, 08:48:25 AM
Lloyd Carr may be hanging it up as the Wolverine's football coach, (being a Badger fan, I'll resist the temptation to say something sassy) but it's far more newsworthy anyway that Cooper Frost, age 10, will be coming over from Michigan for the Ice Optimist NA's.  Say it with me, Coop, "go Big Red."  OK, maybe not, but welcome anyway.  We'll see you and your DN Dad, David, in a couple weeks.

Count'm.  That makes 17 from 7 states.  So who else is coming? Rumor has it that the east coast contingent might be pitching the Clapp bloodline.  Stay tuned.....