DN NA Class

Guests & Members Post & Read => Open Forum => Topic started by: john harper on November 01, 2006, 03:44:38 PM

Title: proposals and ballot
Post by: john harper on November 01, 2006, 03:44:38 PM
  The Runner Tracks with the proposals and the returnable ballot will be sent out any day now.  I have elected to make the proposals and ballot available online so members can start returning their ballots.  The ballots must be post marked by 12/01/06. 
   These proposals are presented to the membership by the governing committee and if passed will take effect on 01/01/07.  They correct a problem we have regarding "day 1" under the wording we passed last year.  Those of you who were at last years NA championship are familiar with what mother nature can do to the site and schedule of a regatta.  This is the fix we discussed at the annual meeting.
   The ballot is available on the class website; idniyra.org
                                                  Thanks for voting, see you on the ice,
                                                       John Harper
                                                    Commodore IDNIYRA