Thanks for the quick reply.
Burlington is a bit farther than I can see going regularly.
It is close enough to check out the sport, so can you give me the address of where folks put in?
But if I have to commute that far, I think I'd start looking at the possibility and precautions of sailing alone on a body of water closer to home.
Just FYI its MarC, but anyway I go by Dean.
Again. thanks.
Welcome. My name is Eric. You are well located for iceboating and iceboat racing. Below is the race notice for this weekends festivitys. We will be racing saturday and possabley sunday. If this is a sport you are interested come check it out. Dress warm.
A good day of iceboating is the most fun you can have with your clothes on. It is also a stupid sport. It is the only sport in the world where you can call a race and not tell people what state it is going to be in untill the day before. Iceboating requires many things. ice of minimum thickness with minimum hazards, wind, little to no snow,not too cold, and someone who has found the ice and checked it.
Notice follows:
New England Ice Yacht Association will be holding The New England championships on Jan 30 at Sunapee Lake in NH. We will be sailing in
the main part of the lake and launching from Dewey beach on the Northwest side
of the lake. You will have to google directions to Dewey or check the NEIYA
hotline at508.481.1011
Skippers Meeting is scheduled for 10:45 with a first start at 11AM. The start
time may be postponed if the weather is still in the single digits early.
Sunapee received ¾" snow Thursday afternoon but is expected to blow clear in the
high winds Thursday night and Friday. Weather forecast for Saturday is temps
peaking at 18 deg in the afternoon with wind speeds 12 mph in the morning
decreasing to 9-10 by 4 pm. Sunday is High of 23 with wind speeds of 8 mph.
Don't forget your nutwarmers.
Eric Anderson 860.367.7806 (cell)
US 5193