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Author Topic: NW Ohio/SE Michigan  (Read 13142 times)
KB [us5219]
Class Member
Posts: 248

« on: January 23, 2011, 10:21:40 AM »

We have sub-standard ice to report in this region.  None of this is ice you want to travel for, unless you desperately need to set up your boat, check out alignment, etc...  Ratings would be variable in the 2-4 range is my guess.

Maumee Bay, Toledo Ohio - is "Sailable" but it is rough, espescially due to frozen snowmobile tracks.  We will investigate newer ice further out today to see if there is a cleaner plate of ice to sail.  It should also be possible to sail around into the river - for those who like to cruise.  Light winds may limit our search.  We had 2 renegades, a 15-meter, and a couple DN's out on Saturday, but due to high wind, cold temps and rough ice, nobody seemed willing to go very far for very long.

North Shores/Bolles Harbor / North Cape Yacht Club, LaSalle, Michigan -A sailable sheet of ice that may run a few mile north and south but is about 3/4 mile (+/-) wide.  Was sailed briefly yesterday, and declared rough but sailable.  A few more sailors may be going out today to sail it and do some more drilling...  As of 11 AM the report is that there is no wind at that site.  Nice thing about this potential site is that the NCYC beach could be driven onto for launching.  Bad thing...  lake ice - though it has been here for a while, possible for it to detach from land and drift out with sailors going for a slow-motion thrill they are not seeking.  Would be safe in Easterly breezes though or when lake level (seiche) is down.

Anchor Bay, Mt.Clemens, Michigan (Brandenburg Launch site)- is rough, snow covered, and there is quite a distance to sail to the best ice.  The reports as of saturday were short, and probably given by a couple of sailors who promptly went to a nearby lounge to drown their sorrows with the assistance of a more abundant type of perfect ice.  Will update if we hear of any more sailing from that site.
DN 805
Class Member
Posts: 267

« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2011, 12:32:15 PM »

On 1-22-2011, four experienced  members of the Skeeter Ice Boat Club ice checking committee went onto the ice on Lake Geneva, Wisconsin at four key access ponts and checked an area extending five miles in an east-west direction, over 1 mile in a north-south direction.  They found the base ice to be over 8" thick but were disappointed to find  the significant area of snow ice has frequent ankle-deep slush pots.  There are  areas where the snow cover is 6" deep.  Two sizeable duck holes existed inside the mouth of Williams Bay and immediately outside the mouth of Williams Bay. 

The conclusion was a major change in the weather pattern will be required to make this ice sailable.

...DN 805
KB [us5219]
Class Member
Posts: 248

« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2011, 02:55:07 PM »

Wind was just a touch too light for for the rough ice and snow today.  We (5219, 807, 5) are currently watching football and keeping an eye out the window at the smoke stack across the bay for some breeze to get a ride in.
OUR PLAN:  Tomorrow (Monday) looks like the best day we will have of local ice until Worlds.  forecasts call for 10-12 knots NNW.  This aint pretty, but its all we got for now.  Just wanted to let anyone know who wants to get a little time in before worlds.    Rest of the week looks like lighter winds and more snow.  Again this is very rough ice with frozen drifts, drifted stiff snow about 50% coverage at 1.75 inches max depth.  Snowmobile tracks are a bit nasty.  We have yet to check newer ice further out which may be smoother with less snow.  Rate this as Sailable 2 out of 10 until we find a better piece.
DN 5449
Class Member
Posts: 369

« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2011, 03:36:13 PM »

Kent ,you guys are troopers. Wish I lived close enough to join your group.

Posts: 6

« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2011, 11:53:55 AM »

Hello all
Thanks for those sending in the ice reports, must take time and distance to get the "right" information for the worlds, well done!  scanning the web sites for info from the UK. Us brits have just set up a new web site, register and use the forum, tell us of rss feeds links i can add etc. www.icesailing.co.uk see you soon on the ice. k11
KB [us5219]
Class Member
Posts: 248

« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2011, 12:33:02 PM »

Got a short ride on Maumee Bay today before the Wind died down (yep, we had to push a mile back in).
Very bumpy.  When powered up, the boat was "hopping" over the bumps and drifts.  This is the stuff that the Polish team is good at...  however I am not sure the Maumee Bay "Rough Riders" have the heart to beat up our stuff less than a week before the Worlds.
More Snow falling this afternoon.  Might try another short ride, but I think we are done here. 
Standing by looking for Gold Cup Ice.  Probably not going to find it here.  Time to start packing!
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