Use of Kevlar in DN construction


Paul Goodwin - US 46:
At the Worlds this years, as always at DN regattas, discussion turned to the latest building trends.  One item that I heard was that someone had started building steering rods which used a carbon/Kevlar hybrid cloth.  I must state that Kevlar is not allowed in any part of DN construction, including the hardware!!  (Interpretation - General 11/23/87: Material - Kevlar cloth may not be used in DN construction)

Many people keep asking about the use of Kevlar, and preach the safety benefits it might provide.  Whether it is a good idea to allow Kevlar or not, the current Specifications clearly do not allow the use of Kevlar in DN construction.  If anyone really wants to use Kevlar, I would suggest writing a proposal to change the Specs (removal of the Interpretation), along with a letter explaining how it would benefit the class.

Paul Goodwin
Chairman - IDNIYRA Technical Committee

But........IDNIYRA official specs  A  22.: Steering shall be accomplished by means of a tiller. Tiller may be of any lenght or shape....  . Material is optional!

horrido, Harald Stuertz DN G 2

Paul Goodwin - US 46:
While the tiller material is optional, it is assumed the options are among materials allowed in DN construction.  The first Interpretation under the "General" heading was made in 1987, "Kevlar cloth may not be used in DN construction."

Perhaps Kevlar should be considered since it is now widely available (as I recall, lack of availability in Eastern Europe was the reason for the original Interpretation).  However, until it is changed by vote of the members, Kevlar is not allowed.

Paul Goodwin
Chairman - IDNIYRA Tech Committee


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