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Author Topic: 2015 Central Regional Regatta  (Read 26563 times)

Posts: 32

« on: December 14, 2014, 05:59:25 PM »

The 2015 Central Regional regatta is preliminarily scheduled for January 10th and 11th. Mark your calender this will be great preparation for this years Gold cup and North Americans.
Think Ice!

Bill Cutting
Central Regional Rear Commodore
KB [us5219]
Class Member
Posts: 248

« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2015, 10:09:01 AM »

Lots of interesting weather all over the central region this week.  Temps will drop dramatically by mid-week, creating the possibility of brand-new fresh ice.  (The same likely applies in the Western Region as well).  Please keep your eyes, and ears open, and plan on taking some drives past the known local sailing sites to report to your regional commodores.  Central Region Champs is scheduled for this weekend!


Posts: 32

« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2015, 05:25:12 PM »

  The 2015 Central regionals are currently postponed due to lack of a suitable venue. Cass lake has developed a large heave across the center of the lake that would prevent a large enough course for the regatta. Scrub racing is a possibility for the weekend on either Cass lake or Walled lake in the Metro Detriot area.
Note* neither of these lakes have been sailed yet! Check the central region hotline before venturing out.
Thanks to Jim Grogan and Don Niles for walking out on Cass lake in 5 deg with 30 mph winds for a preliminary ice check.
We can try again after the Gold cup so please keep your eyes open for suitable conditions.

Think Ice

Bill Cutting
Central regional rear Commodore
KB [us5219]
Class Member
Posts: 248

« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2015, 03:28:12 PM »

Attention all DN Sailors.

At this particular time, Alum Creek - north of Columbus Ohio shows promise to be the best venue for this coming weekend for the Central Lakes Championships.

It is snow-ice over solid ice.  Has some bumps, but is snow-free after the weekends heat-wave.  (before that it had 2" or less).  There were 7 local boats sailing over the weekend.
The Alum Creek State Park has expedited our application for use of the launch, and we appear to have a thumbs up from the local authorities.
My plan is to personally check and sail the ice on Wednesday and/or Thursday to make the call "ON" for the regatta.  Hopefully BY Thursday Late morning.
If the ice is too bumpy or the weather too questionable, or a combination of both, we will postpone.  IF somebody has a better venue, please step up and share the info.  Meanwhile, the locals are being of great help down there. So THINK ICE!


More details as things shape up...

-Kent Baker
KB [us5219]
Class Member
Posts: 248

« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2015, 07:30:54 AM »

Hello Everybody -

Alum creek continues to show great ice conditions with no snow on the surface.   Temps today should continue to improve the ice.

The bad news:  It needs to be sailed tomorrow (after todays warm-up) to test the conditions.  Forecasted Winds in the 25-30 MPH range are not conducive to that.
Worse news.  Saturdays forecast is for 20-29 MPH winds.  Because the lake will not allow much more than 3/4-7/8 mile course in the West-to-East direction, this is not acceptable conditions for more than 10-15 boats in a fleet. (we know we should get 20-30+ each fleet).
Nail in the coffin news:  The high temp on Sunday is:  7 degrees. 

Add to that the longer distance traveled by most sailors, and what the heck, lets throw in the Valentines day thingy while were at it...

So - after going through the motions of applying for a permit to hold our regatta there, It looks to be in our best interest to try it another weekend someplace.

Thanks to local sailor, John Wargo for the updates and pictures during the week!  And also thanks to Jane Stites and Jason Meyers at Alum Creek state park for helping expedite the permit process and making us welcome there.

If anyone is interested in a good day of sailing, I am willing to go all day Friday to Alum Creek.  Conditions appear good that day - 9-15 MPH with a high of 22 degrees.

-Kent   US 5219
KB [us5219]
Class Member
Posts: 248

« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2015, 02:08:39 PM »

Sadly that great new ice in East Traverse Bay did not pan out.   So we will see what happens over the next week.
Alum Creek, North Of Columbus Ohio continues to be one of the better possibilities for sailing this weekend.  Alum is about 50% snow free and most snow drift lines are about an inch of snow. Sat forecast is 37 and it may rain or snow. Sun high is 27 and no precipitation in forecast.
So it may be too sloppy on Saturday (warm and wet) and too Crusty (cold and rough depending on how much snow evaporates or melts).  I hope the local scout can give a late report on Saturday in case there is hope for some Sunday Scrub racing there.

Geist reservoir may be similar and the ISC (Indianapolis Sailing Club) would be willing to entertain racers on Feb 28-March 1 even though the lake is a bit narrow and it is not actually in the central region.  Would be a heck of a fun time.  One of our TIYC members now lives on Geist. The 1991 North Americans were won by Jan Gougeon on Geist Reservoir - just FYI.

Keep praying for that "Great Zamboni from the skies" there is lots of ice out there.  Our turn is coming soon.

Posts: 32

« Reply #6 on: March 19, 2015, 12:22:55 PM »

Unfortunately the surface conditions on Torch lake have not resurfaced to a Regatta suitable condition. The lake is still sailable with better than 18" of hard ice. The edges are still solid so access is not a problem from either the north end or at the day park in Torch lake village. There will be boats sailing this weekend for cruising and or possible small fleet scrub racing.

Bill Cutting
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