Ken Smith
Posts: 289
sail often, travel light
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2009, 09:04:42 PM » |
There were a few converted and sailing at the America's Landsailing Cup about 15 years ago. All added a spring board for the steering, and most used very stiff masts. This was right at the end of the wood mast era. Kent Hatch, who lives near Tahoe, had one he sailed several times. Because of the sail area, they had to compete in class three, where the competitive boats have very high aspect ratio sails and a much larger platform. I believe there was even a conversion package or drawings published either in RunnerTracks or elsewhere. Anyone have RunnerTrack archives?
Race a 16 foot mast against a 22 foot mast and a faired, enclosed body and a 15-18 foot plank, and guess who is fastest by a bunch!
There are a few technical and rule issues. Landsailing at that meet requires a technical inspection and a restraint (seatbelt) is one of the requirements. Also some kind of roll-over protection if the rig is judged too weak. An out-of-boat experience on the playa is not fun. DNs accelerate off the start like a dream, but cannot point as high or go nearly as fast downwind. Plus at that time, the races included reaching legs, and a DN on a reach is a real handful!
Now, there is a new class coming along, the ST49. Similar construction, but with a wing. See the yahoo group Wing Boats.